gone fishin'


Welcome to Going Away.tv / This is a mirage

Aaron McCarthy/Adonis Archontides/Alfie Dwyer/Alif Ibrahim & CJ Park/Amanda Rice/Amy Robson/Bertram von Undall/Charlie Ratcliffe/Chris Collins/Chris Paul Daniels/Christopher MacInnes/collectif_fact, Annelore Schneider & Claude Piguet/Corie McGowan/Cyrus Hung/Dave Greber/digostudio/Duncan Poulton/Edgar Alan Rodriguez Castillo/Edward Martin/Everest Pipkin/Fengyi Zhu/Fergus Carmichael/Gretchen Andrew/Guy Oliver/Hannah Marine/Hazel Brill/Ian Bruner/Ian Bruner & Don Elektro/Isabella Benshimol & Mati Jhurry /Mati Jhurry/Jakob Kudsk Steensen/James McColl/Jessy Jetpacks/Kara Gut/Kiah Reading/Kumbirai Makumbe/Lambert Duchesne/Lotte Rose Kjær Skau/Louis Judkins/Louise Ashcroft/Luke Nairn/Marion Balac/Maurício Joseb/Meg Jenkins/Molly Erin McCarthy/Naomi Fitzsimmons/Natalia Skobeeva/Nikki Lam/Ollie Dook/Petra Szemán/Qigemu (April Lin and Jasmine Lin)/Rosie Mcginn/Ruaidhri Ryan/Rufus Rock/Samuel Fouracre/Selden Paterson/Shinji Toya/Sid Smith/Smriti Mehra, Leslie Johnson, Chinar Shah/Stelios Ilchouk/Stine Deja/Tabitha Beresford-Webb/Tea Strazicic/Ted Le Swer/Theo Tagholm/Tomasz Kobialka/Wilf Speller/Will Kendrick/William Cook/Yoojin Lee/

Director Generals: Marc Blazel & Alexander Harding

‘Going Away.tv’ is an online platform hosting live streamed artists’ moving image 24/7, combining work from a variety of localities and backgrounds. At once embracing and critiquing the democratic nature of streaming platforms such as ‘Twitch’ and ‘Youtube Live’, ‘Going Away.tv’ will continuously present the work of multiple artists working in moving image and broadcasting, randomised but presented sequentially twenty four hours a day. On returning visits to ‘Going Away’, you may not see the same work twice.